
Healthy Fat – Reject the old guard, it is a lie!

One thing we do a really good job at during the 60 Day Turnaround, or Total Food Makeover, is explain why you need to eat more saturated fat.  Suffice it to say, simple observation is reason enough.

1975 – Our culture rejects saturated fat, we push for vegetable oils, and unsaturated fats.

1980 – Heart disease takes a steady up turn. 1990 – mevacor is steadily rising in its use as the first statin drug in the world

1995 – more people are taking statins every year, heart disease continues to rise

2013 – heart disease has risen like crazy, saturated fat is known to be an anti-inflammatory fat in the vascular system, most omega 6 vegetable oils are found to be highly inflammatory.  The world, via Discover Kids Magazine, is still saying to avoid saturated fats.  Dr. Eric cries.


Well, I won’t cry, that would suggest I have given up.  Instead I’ll scream in disgust. The image above comes from the magazine below.  The problem is that most health professionals have led us into this place where 1/2.5 deaths is heart disease.

The Magazine – Titled NUTRITION by DISCOVER KIDS, is horrendous for its outdated garbage.  It makes me want to scream.  My 8 year old daughter could better reason through healthy fats than this article.



OK, so if you have come to GMO talk world, you know we need to kill the GMO’s!  So this is no good, they are all sorts of positive on Corn and Soybean which come almost exclusively from GMO!  Genetically Modified Organism.  These are the types of “foods” that will convert you and especially your gut bacteria, into genetically modified garbage!

The only thing they get right is to eat fish and nuts and avocados, and to avoid trans fats.  Otherwise these guys need to be fired.  Period.

I should write about ten more paragraphs on this but lets kick it off and end it with the inflammation side… saturated fats will lead your vessel walls to a place of health, they will educe c-reactive protein and homo cysteine levels, and they will keep your arteries from plaquing.  They could increase your total cholesterol, but guess what, you don’t care.  After 30 years of treating cholesterol, we haven’t dented heart disease, because we have labeled the wrong causes.  Feel your head spinning in this knowledge?  Come to get educated.

So the rant – it leads to the 60 Day Turnaround.  Your base cost will be $49 for patients, and $99 for non-patients, and it will be the best 60 days of your life if you let it!  Starting in late September, get ready!

Be Well, and Be Blessed – Dr. E